Scientific America - The Evolution of Your Body

8/2/2020 Jeff
Editor: Media Lab Publishing
Single Issue: 2015

I walked into Book-a-Million one day and as usual headed to my favorite section: science magazines, and spotted this publication. I picked it up, read the cover and think "Oh, this oughta' be good!" Sure enough from page one it did not disappoint.

I'm not kidding when I say, I enjoy studying evolution, reading evolutionary articles, watching videos. And this is one great example. I'm telling you, the more you get yourself educated in evolution, the more fun it gets reading stuff like this.

The short answer:

Allow me to summarize the material in this high-quality 12-page special collectors edition from Scientific America:

  • Amount of evidence that fits perfectly well withing the Creation Model: ALL
  • Amount of molecules-to-man upward evolution evidence: NONE, ZERO, ZIP

What is has

A whole bunch of story-telling, a great deal about natural selection (adaptation/variation), and three 'beneficial mutations' (see below).

Every bit of actual observable evidence you read in this publication fits completely fine within the creation model. Even the precious few so-called 'beneficial' mutations. The rest are fanciful stories.

What's missing

As a creationist, we're going to need to see some actual evidence of upward, information-adding evolution. Not just examples of natural selection. Evolutionists need a process that can turn ocean worms into people. That's a tremendous amount of increased genetic information. The current best process evolutionists have is natural selection operating on beneficial mutations.

So what are the authors best evidence: three 'beneficial' mutations, plus a side article on a fourth:

  • Lactose tolerance
  • Straight black hair
  • Blue eyes
  • Sickle cell anemia

I can't help but LAUGH at all four! They have NOTHING to do with information-adding upward evolution. I especially laugh every time I hear lactose tolerance mentioned. It's evolutionists' prize example, yet is meaningless in term of worms-to-humans 'evolution'. It's an example of a loss of information followed by natural selection. That is NOT upward evolution. Yet it's mentioned so often, it's starting to become Zombie Science. They even created one entire article dedicated to lactose tolerance. That's how desperate they are for beneficial mutation examples. They even call say it "set the stage for a continental upheaval"!! Wow, that's the very best this entire publication could offer? This is pathetic:

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