April 2017
ISBN-13: 978-9813142145
Ok, I admit, I seriously nerded out on this book. TRULY without question one of my favorites books I've ever read! I was blown away to learn that there existed a single book that combined two of my passions: Computer science, and creationism (or more specifically here: evolutionary dissent).
This book can be summarized quite well with a single quote that appears repeatedly in this discussion of the book:
There exists no model successfully describing undirected Darwinian evolution.
Darwinists: Swallow hard on that pill
That same article quoted above discusses how this book is an answer to a challenge posed by Gregory Chaitin, a co-founder of field of algorithmic information theory:
The honor of mathematics requires us to come up with a mathematical theory of evolution and either prove that Darwin was wrong or right!This book dissects the top Darwinian computer models in existence today and demonstratively shows how each one fails to support Darwinian evolution. The authors sufficiently prove that no model exists that successfully describes Darwinian evolution.